Steps for a successful project:
1st: You will be placed in teams of three.
2nd:  Each member of the team will choose a different area to research. Email Mrs. Gilmore ([email protected]) each group member's assigned role.
3rd:  After every group member has an area to research.  Groups will be divided and combined into teams of experts.  These teams will conduct the research together.  It is each member's responsibility to take good notes to bring back to their original group. 
4th:   Notes will be recorded using the graphic organizer found on the evaluation page. Remember your task is to gather information so students considering dropping out of school can make an informed decision and to promote the value of education. Make sure you put information into your own words.  Anything that you copy directly must be enclosed in "quotes."  You will be given an individual grade for your notes.

5th:  It is now time to begin your research.  Gather with your team of experts and research the sites on the web, books and printed materials provided.  Remember to record information to share with your original team to use on your pamphlet.  
Sites for everyone:
Channel One Informative Quiz

Investigator:  (Causes) As an investigator your role is to examine the causes or reasons students drop out of school.


Analyst:  (Effects) As an analyst your job is to analyze the effects dropping out of school has on a person's life. 


Strategic Planner : (Creative Solutions) As a strategic planner your job is to research possible solutions to prevent students from dropping out of school.  


6th:  Report to your original group.  Use the information gathered to construct a persuasive pamphlet.  Do not simply list information.  Be creative. Use images, quotes, and/or statistics to help someone considering dropping out of school make an informed decision.  Pamphlet must contain an introduction, be well organized, aesthetically pleasing, and include factual information to promote education and persuade students to stay in school.  Information from each team member must be present in the pamphlet. Follow the steps below.

1st step in pamphlet:
You have two choices:
1st choice-
Read/Write/ThinkCreate a plan for your pamphlet.  Create six pages to plan how you would like to organize your pamphlet.  Save as a PDF to your folder and print a copy for each member.  Decide who is going to complete each section.

2nd choice-
Fold a sheet of notebook paper into a pamphlet.  Use this to organize your thoughts before beginning your actual pamphlet.  Make sure each group member knows what they are responsible for completing.

2nd step in pamphlet:
Assign a group member to locate appropriate images and save them to the group's file on the server...This can be done while other members work on step three.

3rd step in pamphlet:

Write attention grabbing introduction and compile information into pamphlet.

Sites to help you write a good introduction:

4th step in pamphlet: 
Create your pamphlet.  A template is available on the evaluation page or you may choose from a variety of templates on Microsoft Word.  To access the Word templates open Word.  Go to project gallery and then to brochures.  REMEMBER TO CHANGE TEXT AND PICTURES.
*Use appropriate titles and subtitles.
*Include a variety of persuasive information.  Remember your purpose and audience.
*Do not forget to include introduction.
*Pictures and quotes greatly improve quality of the pamphlet.
***The middle back portion of the pamphlet should include your names,as well as, a list of resources used in the project.


Create a picture folder on the server and save all images to this folder.You may use google images safe search.  Make sure images do not have copyright.  On the back of your pamphlet, include sites where you gathered images.
Sources for pictures:  The still shot camera is available if you would like to take pictures for your pamphlet.